...Quiktrip gas station and my husband was a teacher. We both worked hard just to keep our house because we had the house built and got married in it. Every month we always wondered why our hard-earned money went out so fast. We had spent not only a tremendous amount of time but also thousands of dollars to find many different venues for making extra money from multi-level marketing to online trading without success. In 2008, I stumbled upon Robert Kiyosaki's books and later bought his big coaching programs. I thought that finally this time my husband and I could start making some money and be ahead and become millionaires. After spending much time sitting in different classes, sometimes we had to fly out of town to attend, we still didn't know where and how to start. No one locally could hold our hands and guide us. We got lost and more frustrated.
When I first met Don in 2010, I was at GaREIA meeting and he was just in the front talking to hundreds of people about "Deals or No Deals". I didn't know who he was but just thought this guy was very personal and seemed knowledgeable. After the meeting, I decided to ask him if he could help me evaluate a deal. He didn't say anything else but immediately opened his Easy Offer Maker to help me.
When I looked at the spreadsheet he created the first time and the way he treated me, it validated the impression I had with Don. After he helped me, then he told me he was the president of GaREIA which was the largest REIA group at the time. I was very impressed and grateful that he spent the time to help me. When I told him I just started, without any hesitation, he invited me to his weekly coaching meeting to learn more. That invitation began my serious learning journey about real estate investing.
I didn't know there were so many ways to make money in real estate. When I started, I didn't know what I didn't know so I always thought I needed to learn more to do this business. But I ended up buying courses after courses and got myself confused more. I was like a dog chasing six rabbits. I was frustrated and exhausted. I kept spending money but no results to show for at all. Then I finally knew what I didn't have when I joined Dustin and Don's recent Property Protege Group (PPG) in 2015, the light coaching program, I began to have a solid direction and know how to focus and do this business. It has taught me every day to focus on two things only; revenue and my daily actionable tasks. His High Tech REI online program has the whole real estate investing cycle teaching me step by step from the very beginning of how to set goals to how to close a deal. I am a slow visual learner. All the courses I bought before Don were all techniques only so they were just like test books and ended up on my bookshelf. Some of them were never even opened. But with Don's revolutionary invention to put all his courses on iPad and with all the videos to show me how to fill out contracts and how to evaluate every deal using his Easy Offer Maker, I FINALLY started to have a whole idea about what real estate investing was all about and how to begin to start and do this business. Having Don locally available is very critical. At PPG meetings, I would either get reinforcement about what I've learned from Don's online courses and his real life experience, or he will show us how to evaluate deals. Often the meetings will go overtime, demonstrating Don’s passion and commitment to his students. Don is not like other gurus out there who just want to sell their programs and give you their 800 numbers for support. What Don teaches is all fundamental and truly prepares you to be a successful investor.
In the beginning of this year, 2016, I started One-on-One coaching with Don which accelerated my business tremendously. In short 4 months with Don's personal help, I closed my very first Subject-2 deal with no money invested at all. Not only does it produce more than $500 cash flow every month but I also project to have more than $30,000 equity spread when I close. In 3 months after that deal, with Don's help again, I closed my 2nd deal and made $5,000 for wholesale assignment fee. Again, without any money invested. Not only am I starting to make money, but with Don behind me, I have the confidence to talk to sellers, evaluate deals, make appointments and even write contracts on my iPad. ALL because of Don's teaching and coaching program.
Looking back I realized that all these years all I had were teachers. I didn't have a coach and I certainly believe that everybody needs a coach(es) in their life, especially the area that they want to improve. A coach is very different from a teacher. A coach guides you and gives you directions based on what you want with what you got. A coach encourages you and believes in you even if you don’t believe in yourself. A coach pushes you to bring the best out of you that you didn't know was possible. Don is that coach.
As I am writing this testimony, I am also working on 3 more deals with Don, a short sale with a bank, a pre-foreclosure with a distressed homeowner and another wholesale. Finally I can see some light at the end of the tunnel of financial debt. I just need to follow the light and focus on taking action towards it. Real Estate investing is not as hard as most people think but it certainly is not easy. If right now you could work hard at your current work than you can do this business. With Don's courses and his personalized coaching program, you will just accelerate your learning process faster. Just like you chopping down a big tree with an axe on when there is a chainsaw available. You just need to leverage your efforts to maximize your results. Don is that tool you've got to have in your toolbox.
Teresa Willis, Atlanta Ga.